
Before the 1983 opening of the LGBT Community Center at 208 West 13th Street in Greenwich Village, a number of important social and political spaces that served as an alternative to the (often Mafia-run) bar scene were established in New York City.

Earliest known community centers before and immediately after Stonewall were housed in office and retail spaces, former firehouses, and LGBT-welcoming churches.

While the curated collection below primarily features historic sites in downtown Manhattan, we will be adding more to the map from around the city as we uncover them.

Header Photo
Gathering at the Gay Activists Alliance Firehouse, 99 Wooster Street in SoHo, 1971. Gift of The Estate of Fred W. McDarrah.

Historic Sites in Early Community Centers

55 Washington Square South

Judson Memorial Church on Washington Square in the 1960s and 1970s was home to avant-garde arts groups, and a site for lesbian and gay political gatherings. With the emergence of... Learn More

Organization & Community Spaces
240 West 38th Street

The Corduroy Club, located here from March 1967 to 1971, was a significant effort by the pre-Stonewall LGBT community in New York to have a social space that was outside... Learn More

Organization & Community Spaces
291 Mercer Street

Gay rights activist Craig Rodwell established the East Coast’s first gay and lesbian bookstore (and the first one in the nation to operate long term), named in memory of Oscar... Learn More

Stores & Businesses
296 Ninth Avenue

From 1969 to 1974, the Church of the Holy Apostles in Chelsea was one of the most important meeting places in New York City for organizations of the early post-Stonewall... Learn More

Organization & Community Spaces
530 Sixth Avenue / 69 West 14th Street

After the Stonewall rebellion in June 1969, the first LGBT activist organization formed was the Gay Liberation Front (GLF), in July. GLF used Alternate U., a free counterculture school and... Learn More

Organization & Community Spaces
130 West 3rd Street

Tony Pastor’s Downtown, in business from 1939 to 1967, had a mixed clientele of lesbians and tourists, and some gay men. It had shows of female impersonators (a term used... Learn More

Bars, Clubs & Restaurants
99 Wooster Street

The Gay Activists Alliance (GAA) formed in December 1969 and became the most influential American gay liberation political activist organization in the early 1970s. From 1971 to 1974, GAA used this... Learn More

Organization & Community Spaces
247 West 11th Street

In 1972, friends Leonard Ebreo and Alice Bloch co-founded Liberation House, an early post-Stonewall community center that provided health services to the LGBT community. It was also the first home of... Learn More

Organization & Community Spaces
446 West 36th Street

The Metropolitan Community Church was founded to minister to the LGBT community whose members were not welcome in most churches. The New York congregation held its first service in 1972... Learn More

Organization & Community Spaces
37 Ninth Avenue

This building in the Meatpacking District was the longest home of the West Side Discussion Group, which met here from 1972 to 1978. The group, generally made up of an... Learn More

Organization & Community Spaces
243 West 20th Street

In the early 1970s, the Women’s Liberation Center was founded as an important meeting space for many women’s groups, including those that specifically served the lesbian community. The Center operated... Learn More

Organization & Community Spaces
135 & 133 West 4th Street

The congregation of this former church was led by the pioneering, openly gay Reverend Paul M. Abels from 1973 to 1984. The church and neighboring parish house also provided meeting... Learn More

Organization & Community Spaces

Other Curated Themes

Transgender History

Gay-Owned Businesses

Communities of Color

Activism Outside Manhattan

Literary New York

Downtown Arts Scene

City of Immigrants

1970s Lesbian Activism & Community

The Bronx

Brooklyn Heights

Jackson Heights

Staten Island

Why We March

Village Pride Tour

Gay Activists Alliance

The Harlem Renaissance

Jewish New York

Pre-20th Century History

Bars & Nightlife

Activism Before Stonewall

Homophobia & Transphobia

Broadway Theater District

Influential Black New Yorkers

Lesbian Life Before Stonewall

The AIDS Crisis

LGBT-Named Public Schools

Art & Architecture

National Register Listings

Spotlight on the Theater