
Designated LGBT Landmarks in NYC

National Register of Historic Places Nominations

All but one report (Rustin) were written by members or consultants of the NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project team. Years signify when each site was listed on the National Register. Each site is also listed on the New York State Register of Historic Places.

NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission Designation Reports

The LPC is the city agency responsible for designating and regulating significant historic sites as protected landmarks. Reports included here are for those landmarks that were designated primarily for LGBT significance. Years signify when each site was designated a landmark or historic district.

LGBT Place-Based History (New York City)

Documents written or co-written by members of the NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project, with the exception of the Stonewall National Monument page.

Our project founders recorded oral histories through the New York Preservation Archive Project about their backgrounds in the historic preservation of LGBT history:


Maps co-created by members of the NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project.

Awards & Recognition

We are honored to have received the following awards and recognitions.

  • Trustees’ Award for Organizational Excellence, National Trust for Historic Preservation (2022)
  • Grassroots Preservation Award, Historic Districts Council (2020)
  • “Preservation of LGBTQ Historic & Cultural Sites – A New York City Perspective” in Preservation and Place: Historic Preservation by and of LGBTQ Communities in the United States, University of Mary Washington Center for Historic Preservation Book Prize (2020)
  • Excellence in Historic Preservation Award (2019), Preservation League of New York State
  • “Preservation of LGBTQ Historic & Cultural Sites – A New York City Perspective” in the National Park Service’s LGBTQ America: A Theme Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer History, Vernacular Architecture Forum’s Paul E. Buchanan Award for Excellence in Field Work, Interpretation, and Public Service (2018)
  • New York State Historic Preservation Award (2018), New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation


LGBT Place-Based History (Nationwide/International)

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NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission

Public Testimony

The Project has provided testimony at public hearings in support of the landmark designation of New York City properties for their significance to LGBT history or in response to proposed changes to designated LGBT-associated landmarks.

Testimony in support of proposed landmarks:

Testimony in response to proposed changes to designated landmarks:


The Project has advocated for the protection of LGBT landmarks through meetings with LPC staff and collaborations with other groups.

NYC Board of Standards and Appeals

The Project has provided testimony for other place-based causes in New York City associated with LGBT history.

Outside New York City

In cases where a potential LGBT landmark outside New York City has a connection to the Project’s work, we have provided letters or testimony in support of designation.


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